Storms and weather related hazards develop  quickly. Never let storms  block your route back, check the weather before departureElements that could foretell worsening conditions are: Dark, threatening clouds (specially with vertical development) Watch for any steady increase in wind or seas, strong wind apposing  direction of the current, sudden change in temperature or wind direction. If a thunderstorm threatens while afloat, be sure everyone aboard is wearing a life jacket , stay below decks if possible; keep away from metal objects that are not grounded to the boat's protection system; don't touch more than one grounded object at the same time. Listen to NOAA Weather Radio for the latest warnings, watches, advisories and forecasts from the local National Weather Service Office. Warnings, watching and advisories: Marine weather statements are issued to advise boaters of significant weather phenomena that threaten small boats. Small Craft Exercise Caution , this advisory is issued when sustained winds of 15 to 20 knots (17 to 23 miles per hour) or seas of six feet are occurring. Small Craft Advisory,  small craft advisories are issued when sustained winds of 21 to 33 knots (24 to 38 miles per hour) or seas of seven feet or greater are expected.